Latin Americanists
/ Publications / Latin Americanists

Latin Americanists

The items included in this section are highly critical of the Latin American Studies Association or of individual Latin Americanists. No doubt these publications made me persona non grata in certain circles.  I refer those who would wonder why I chose to spend some of my time and academic capital in this manner to "On Becoming an American Political Scientist."


Cuba's Ranking-in-the-Fitzgibbon-Democracy-Ranking: Reflecting a Leftist Bias? Cuban Affairs Quarterly Electronic Journal, 2007 (April), Vol. 2.

Review of Yvon Grenier, The Emergence of Insurgency in El Salvador: Ideology and Political Will, Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh Press, 1999.

Dictatorships and Double Standards:  The Latin American Studies Association on Cuba This is a slightly revised an updated version of a monograph of the same title published by The Endowment for Cuban American Studies (Miami, FL: Paper #13).

The-Latin-American-Studies-Association-vs--the-United-States-in-ACADEMIC-QUESTIONS-Fall-1994.pdf   Summer 1994, Vol 7, No.  3, Summer 1994.


LASA Leftists Proven Wrong by Nicaraguans.pdf

Susan-Kaufman-Purcell-cuts-to-pieces-LASAs-line-on-Central-America.pdf (155kb)

LASA-Line-on-Central-America-Questioned.pdf (138kb)

LASA-Disinformation-on-Nicaragua.pdf (146kb)

Sandinista-Goals-Were-Evident-Long-Ago.pdf (216kb)

Media Muddle: Lynda-Chavez-of-the-NYT-is-Wrong-on-El-Salvador.pdf (175kb)